My Greene County Indiana Ancestors & More...

Sexton contacts

Contact for webssite is - if you would like to contribute to this database or if you have suggestions or comments.

This site is done in hopes to update Patricia's information - also to make it more accessible - last time I "Googled" around I did finally find it but with some difficulty - its was still on "Rootsweb" buried.

Sexton Researcher's

ResearcherWebsiteSexton AncestorE-mail
Judi Burns   William Sexton & Leah Free
Margaret Sexton & Robert Long 

From: "Teresa Klaiber"
Subject: Sexton research
Date: Saturday, January 26, 2013 11:56 AM

I am looking for information of a Charles Sexton that lived on Grays in 1894 in Knox County, Kentucky. I see at this web site that you list a Charles born in the 1850's son of Preston Sexton.

What I have is a receipt for a registered letter from HP Sexton in Boyd County to a Charles in Grays Knox Jan 27, 1894.
Teresa Martin Klaiber 22937 Long Branch Rush, KY 41168

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